Once you reach retirement you should be able to choose what to do with your retirement fund depending on your individual circumstances. One of these options is an Approved Minimum Retirement Fund (AMRF) or an Approved Retirement Fund (ARF).
An ARF is basically a long term post retirement investment account. With AMRFs and ARFs you re-invest you pension fund and take a withdrawal from the account when you need it. Revenue rules apply around withdrawals.
Based on current Revenue rules, in order to take out an Approved Retirement Fund you must have a guaranteed pension income for life of €12,700 per year (from other sources than your ARF investment). If you don’t you must invest €63,500 of your pension fund into an Approved Minimum Retirement Fund or buy an Annuity with that amount. Once you have put this money in an AMRF or an Annuity you can put any remainder into an ARF.